How to Become a Professional Footballer

How to Become a Professional Footballer

It is the dream of every young player to make it in the professional game. To bolster your chances of making a living from playing professional football check out these tips.

1. Football has to be your #1 priority.

With a passion for the game and a commitment to improving when and wherever you can the more hours, you give to the sport the more potential you have to improve. In today's world of sport if you can't give anything other than 100% from the outset you will simply be overtaken by those in the sport that are. As football is the world’s most popular sport in the world there is plenty of competition too.

If you make football your number one priority in life and you remain committed to your goal of becoming a professional player. Love the game. Have a passion for it because if you don’t, you will be simply become deterred when your performance as an individual or team may slip. Maximise your training at home too. Football Flick training range is perfectly suited to training at home so you can train at home even when others aren’t.

2. Work on your fitness every day. 

 If you work on your fitness every day you will vastly see your performance on the pitch improve as well. This is what sets apart the players in a professional environment and those just having fun. Professional players take their fitness seriously and understand how it allows you to play at your peak performance for longer in the game.

When you aren’t playing football on one of your days during the week you should be working on your fitness and agility. As football also requires great strength and agility as well as fitness you should look to be improving your strength with various strength exercises. You should practice sprinting from zero. Great players should have the ability to accelerate to top speed to get the upper hand when challenging for the ball or getting through paths of opposition players.

3. Join a club.

You learn best and improve by being around other players. By taking your game more seriously it will also show to others around you that you are serious about the sport and want to play in a competitive environment. It will also be easier to find like-minded individuals who may have similar aspirations to yourself. By being surrounded by others who may also have those ambitions it will make it easier to assimilate your goals. They say that you as a personality, your ambitions and hobbies are simply the culmination of the individuals you surround yourself with. Make sure those individuals are aligned or can aid you in becoming a professional footballer.

4. Watch and follow professional players.

This may be obvious as you may already have the desire to play and become a pro through watching your favourite team. However, if you follow players that you share a position with and see how they approach the game both on and off the ball. Noticing how professional players change direction, decide when to attack and when to press etc.

This can also include listening to ex-players and pundits. They often have great insight into how players may be thinking and give great in-depth analysis in a way that makes it easy to understand and learn from.

5. Reflect on your performance.

After you have plenty of games under your belt it might be time to start reflecting on your games and your performance. If you look at your skills and attributes with honest reflection you will be able to determine what position suits you and your teammates best.

Look for your coaches feedback on how to choose your position and where on the pitch you may be best suited with your natural attributes and potential.

Extra time!

Becoming a professional player is not easy and more competitive than ever! If you follow these tips and always show passion when playing you may never know what your next game may lead to. Always remember that scouts are looking for complete players that not only have the skills with the ball but also have the right attitude. See you on the pitch!